My Small Group Lesson Plan

Small Group Instruction/Guided Reading


Name _____Julie Szteiter________ School _Wilmer__                  Grade ___3____


Students in Group: Yellow Group 1


Charlie          Bryant         Adaleigh       Ciara     Emily


Date: __4-5-11______________ (Day 1)

Title of Text: ___Leveled Readers – on level Signs, Songs, and Symbols of America _

Author: ____Reading Street______   Level: ___On level______________


Strategy/Skill Focus: Main Idea and Text Structure


Vocabulary (Word Work Focus): Crown, liberty, models, symbol, tablet, torch, unforgettable, unveiled. I introduced the vocabulary words with an interactive Smartboard presentation during whole group. The students had to complete the sentence with the vocabulary word. We went back over the words in small group and found them in the story.


Extension Activity: I had the students give me thumbs up when they came across a vocabulary word in the leveled reader. After we finished reading we made a concept web of American symbols. I also asked them about the main idea of the story and then we discussed it.


Date: _4-7-11_____________________ (Day 2)

Title of Text: __Reading Street- The Story of the Statue of Liberty__pgs. 288-295________

Author: __Betsy and Giulio Maestro___   Level: __On level_______________


Strategy/Skill Focus: Main Idea/ Word Structure


Vocabulary (Word Work Focus): Phonics: vowel sounds in tooth and cook. I taught this during whole group using the Smartboard. Then my teacher wanted me to do a workbook page during whole group as well.

Extension Activity: I had the students predict what they thought the main idea was going to be before we read the story. Last week we worked on finding details that supported the main idea so today we wrote a supporting detail on a Post-It as we read. We also talked about narrative nonfiction being sequential.

Day 1 Reflection: I feel that this was my more successful small group plan. I actually taught this lesson to 2 of the small groups. I liked having the students give me thumbs up when they came across the vocabulary word. It wasn’t distracting and it kept them involved. I also like the Smartboard activity that we did with the words. They were very well behaved and respectful.


Day 2 Reflection: I think the small group went well. My students had never used Post-Its before so they handle it as well as I had anticipated. I was prepared to teach the small group and then right before whole group my teacher asked me to teach it. I wasn’t prepared, but she I did really well. I like being familiar with the material before I teach it.


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